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Laboratoire de Biologie et Modélisation de la Cellule - UMR 5239 - Inserm 1293

The LBMC is an experimental biology laboratory hosted at ENS de Lyon in a multidisciplinary scientific environment. The laboratory's main subject of study is the cell, which is the most fundamental unit of life.

The 15 research teams aim at integrating diverse aspects of cell life such as proliferation, differentation, and interaction with cellular environment in a normal or pathogenic context. The fundamental research pursued in the laboratory relies on expertise in cellular and molecular biology and integrates interdisciplinary approaches in (bio)computing, (bio)physics and (bio)mathematics.

More details here.

Follow us on Twitter @Lyon_LBMC

Last publications
2024 Bedet C & al, MicroPubl Biol The C. elegans SET1 histone methyltransferase (...) T (...)
2023 Ingólfsson H & al, Biophysical Journal Multiscale simulations reveal TDP-43 (...) T (...)
2024 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling AlphaFold2 Predicts Whether Proteins Interact (...) P (...)
2024 Sabei A & al, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B Dynamics of Protein–RNA Interfaces Using (...) F (...)
2024 Burdet V & al, MicroPubl Biol Ultrastructure Expansion Microscopy applied to C. (...) V (...)
2024 Mercier B & al, Genome Res Translation-dependent and -independent mRNA decay (...) m (...)
2024 Louvat C & al, Life Sci Alliance Stable structures or PABP1 loading protects (...) I (...)
2024 Aubé F & al, NAR Cancer Metabolism-dependent secondary effect of (...) A (...)
2021 Guillemin A & al, Front Immunol Shaping the Innate Immune Response Through (...) I (...)
2022 Bonaventure B & al, EMBO Rep The DEAD box RNA helicase DDX42 is an intrinsic (...) G (...)
2023 Durand S & al, Nat Commun RSL24D1 sustains steady-state ribosome biogenesis (...) E (...)
2023 Venet M & al, Nat Commun Severe COVID-19 patients have impaired (...) T (...)
Dynamics and Control of Biological Assemblies and Macromolecular Machines
We are a horizontal team of four researchers in computational biology. We study molecular machines (...) Read more
Complexity, plasticity, and functionality of miRNAs
We elucidate the mechanism of modular layer of post-transcriptional control formed by miRNAs, which (...) Read more
Genome mechanics
DNA is a busy molecule teeming with a zoo of static binders and molecular motors. DNA's (...) Read more
Physical Biology of Chromatin
In close connection with experimental biology, our research addresses generic or specific (...) Read more
Epigenetics and Zygote Formation
The formation of a diploid zygote from two highly different gametes is a critical aspect of sexual (...) Read more
RNA metabolism in immunity and infection (RMI2)
We are interested in post-transcriptional control mechanisms that regulate gene expression in cells (...) Read more
Genetic Complexity of Living Systems
Our research group is interested in the fundamental genetic mechanisms underlying inter-individual (...) Read more
Epigenetic regulation of cell identity and environmental stress responses
We are interested in understanding the role of conserved chromatin marks in the maintenance of (...) Read more
Unconventional modes of DNA maintenance and transmission
We investigate unconventional modes of DNA transmission and genome regulation, exploring their (...) Read more
Regulated Cell Death and Genetics of Neurodegeneration
The general goal of our lab is to understand the mechanisms of cell death, ER stress, autophagy and (...) Read more
Quantitative regulatory genomics
Why are individuals different? We address this fundamental question by studying both genetic and (...) Read more
Regulation of Genome Architecture and Dynamics of Splicing (ReGArDS)
Our team is interested in the regulation of alternative splicing, the main process allowing to (...) Read more
Comparative and Integrative Genomics of Organ Development
We compare genomes and transcriptomes to highlight general rules about the development and/or the (...) Read more
Posttranscriptional Regulation in Infection and Oncogenesis
Our main research interest is to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying oncogenesis, with a (...) Read more
Epithelial differentiation and morphogenesis in Drosophila
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Systems Biology of Decision Making
The molecular mechanisms controlling decision making at the cellular level between self-renewal and (...) Read more
Chromatin Dynamics in Mitotic Chromosome Assembly
The ability of the genome to adopt a dynamic 3D organisation underlies most DNA transactions. The (...) Read more